Exams and Qualifications


Exam Results for GCSE and all other vocational and technical qualifications will be issued on Thursday the 21st August 2025.

Results will be emailed to students via their school email and also be posted out on that day.

At Oak Bank School we offer a breadth of qualifications, examinations and accreditations to support the delivery of our broad curriculum offer.

Each pupil has a personalised curriculum pathway that enables achievement and progression in literacy and numeracy skills, core curriculum subjects, vocational learning and external provision.

Ofsted 2024

“The school has continued to ensure that pupils follow a bespoke mix of academic and vocational pathways. Pupils leave with the required qualifications to access sixth form, college or employment. The school has expanded the range of external providers it works with. Therefore, the curriculum is precisely matched to the interests, talents and needs of the pupils, including the increasing number accessing sixth form.”

Qualifications and Exams delivered at Oak Bank include: GCSEs, Functional Skills, Awards in Maths, Technical Qualifications, Entry Level Awards, Btec Technical and Btec First Awards, ASDAN Awards, Sports and Dance Leaders, Princes Trust and a range of Vocational qualifications.

All pupils are also able to work towards a range of ASDAN Accredited Short Courses and AQA Unit Awards across curriculum areas to evidence participation and achievement in learning.

Our outstanding External Provision Programme affords pupils the opportunity to achieve a range of accredited vocational outcomes including City & Guilds, BTECs and Technical Awards to prepare them for their next steps transition into further education and employment.

Exam Timetable and Key Information

Pupils receive an individual exam timetable, statement of entry and an exam guidance and preparation booklet.

Pupils must be in full school uniform when sitting exams.

If a pupil is unable to attend school on a day they are due to sit an exam, the school office must be notified by 9am.

Exam results are issued on GCSE exam results days via student email and printed exam results will be posted out on the day.   All other exam results are issued throughout the year.

Every pupil is issued with a Record of Achievement upon leaving with certificates to evidence their academic and extra curricular achievements.

This is a useful and informative website to help pupils prepare for exams.


Please see the linked documents below for further information:

If you have any questions regarding the Oak Bank School Exams Department, please contact:                    

Mrs V Pitchford – Exams Officer: vpitchford@oakbank.beds.sch.uk                   

Mrs S Clayton – Head of Centre: sclayton@oakbank.beds.sch.uk

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