
Collaborative Outreach Support for the SEN Community

Our Purpose

Oak Bank’s Outreach Support Service seeks to bring an enriched understanding to challenging behaviour, through trauma-informed perspectives and recognition of troubled life experiences. Our intervention work is aimed at benefiting the whole school community; supporting school staff, pupils and their families. The outreach offer is known as Umbrella Outreach.

This is an innovative team who offer bespoke responses to the individual pupils’ needs within a school context. The diverse skills of the team mean that they can offer enhanced Individualised support for pupils in Years 7+ with SEMH need.

Oak Bank’s outreach is a school to school led initiative – referrals are made by schools or Local Authorities.

Outreach Offer – Our Aims

  • To offer targeted support aimed at staff who are supporting specific pupils with SEN.
  • To improve outcomes for children and young people with SEN and disabilities to enable them to remain in mainstream education, where appropriate.
  • To help our mainstream colleagues to maximise the educational opportunities for all pupils and to support an ‘Early Intervention’ ethos.
  • To help to build the capacity and confidence across the school community (including families) in order to meet the needs of children and young people.

In addition to the support available through Umbrella Outreach Support, Oak Bank also provide access to Team Teach trainers who are able to deliver Level 1, Level 2 and Advanced modules training. The school also has a Mental Health First Aid trainer who is able to deliver The Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course.

For further information about Umbrella, Team Teach or our MHFA offer please click on the relevant tab.

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